Subject Problem when starting the FB service on Win2003
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi !

I am facing a recurrent but not in every time problem when starting the
FB service on a win2003 server.

It was working ok for some months on that server, then one day the
server was restarted and in the Firebird.log I found this entry:

METALLOYS-SERVE (Client) Mon Aug 21 10:54:07 2006
Guardian starting: C:\Arquivos de

METALLOYS-SERVE (Server) Mon Aug 21 10:54:07 2006
INET/inet_error: bind errno = 10013

METALLOYS-SERVE (Server) Mon Aug 21 10:54:08 2006
Unable to complete network request to host "metalloys-serve".
Error while listening for an incoming connection.
Foi feita uma tentativa de acesso a um soquete de uma maneira que é
proibida pelas permissões de acesso.

METALLOYS-SERVE (Client) Mon Aug 21 11:08:17 2006
Guardian starting: C:\Arquivos de

this message:
Foi feita uma tentativa de acesso a um soquete de uma maneira que é
proibida pelas permissões de acesso.

could be translated to something like:
Was made an attempt to access a socket in a way that is prohibited by
the access permissions

This lookslike to me somekind of policies problem, but why the server
starts ok in the next reboot and why it stops again without anything
changed on the policies ???

I tried to stop/start the FB services sometimes and got the same error.
Then I restarted the server and the service started ok.

This happened some months ago, then again on last Friday and two times
There is something wrong with this server since it is rebooting without
a clear cause (sometimes 5 or 6 times a day, sometimes running ok for
several days). I am not the server admin at this place, so could not say
what happened, friday they changed the UPS because the admin thinks it
is the culprit (I didn't think so) as expected the server rebooted today
2 times.

Anyone has any comment about the firebird.log entry ?
Any ideas where I could look for this problem ?

My sugestion is to put another server just for firebird using linux,
actually the FB server acts as a file server too. This way I would be
sure that the OS has nothing wrong and will not prohibit any kind of
socket access by Firebird.

thanks in advance !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil