Subject trouble compiling custom collation
Author martinknappe
we're currently trying to write a custom collation for firebird and
what we've found on the net is this:

The file contains a paper on how to write a custom collation, a
sample gdsintl2.dll and its source code.
The sample gdsintl2.dll works just fine after changing the name of
gdsintl2.dll to fbintl2.dll but when building the file ourselves from
the included source code, we're running into the following problem:
The makefile seems to be written for an older version of the Borland
Command Line Tools, one that uses tlink32 as a linker instead as
ilink32 (which the current version 5.5 uses).
So what we did we just changed tlink32 to ilink32 in the makefile.
But then the linker complains it doesn't know the -inq option
included in the makefile. After removing this option, the source
compiles and links but the resulting gdsintl2.dll is unusable.
We were'nt able to find any older version of the command line tools
on the net where tlink32 is still used; what we did find was just a
single tlink32.exe file which we just copy into the bin directory of
the CLT's and changed the name of the linker in the makefile back
into tlink32 and reactivated the -inq option. But this doesn't work
Does anyone know what to do in order to compile the source correctly?

