Subject Face Firebird 1.5.3 performance problem with Intel Core 2 + Windows 2003
Author Chau Chee Yang

I have a machine:

- Intel Core 2 2.4G
- 1G RAM
- Windows 2003 standard version
- Firebird 1.5.3

When I run my program to access the Firebird database, I have
performance problem. The response is very slow compare to Windows XP
machine. I have done the following tuning to the Firebird server and
it doesn't help:

1. Install Firebird 1.5.3 Super server and change CPUAffinityMask = 1
or CPUAffinityMask=2. Each change I restart the machine.
2. Uninstall Firebird 1.5.3 Super Server and Install Firebird 1.5.3
Classic Server.

Both way also can't help. Does anybody has the experience? Please
advice. Thank you.