Subject I/O error or Internal gds error when running many concurrent transactions
Author firebird_tmc

I have a thread repeatly inserts and updates several tables (with
triggers). When I run 100 instances of the same thread, sometimes I
received the following exception, either the first or the second:

1. FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException: I/O error for file
CreateFile (open) "tmcdb.fdb" Error while trying to open file

2. FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException: internal gds software
consistency check (can't continue after bugcheck)

I used Firebird superserver to create the template
database, and used fbembed.dll(v. to run the server in
embedded mode.

Any insight on why this happens and how can I handle it?

Thank you very much!