Subject Re: [firebird-support] From IB 7.5 to FB 1.5.3
Author Johannes Pretorius
Thanks Lester

I appreciate the help.

I will try the idea

I guess it is also a better idea anyways as then I know the WHOLE database and all DATA is created
in FB.

Thanks. It is always better to have a different point of view.

Thanks in Advance once again


At 08:15 AM 28/06/2006, Lester Caine wrote:

>Johannes Pretorius wrote:
>> Good day all
>> -=0=--0=0-==-0\
>> I am busy trying to see what effort is needed to move a Ib 7.5 database over to FB
>> But I am running into very funny problems. If I backup from Ib 7.5 and try and restore in FB then I get on a SP
>> an error
>> gbak: ERROR: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
>> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
>> I then just for fun tried to remotely backup from the FB Server with the Fb's gbak program the database on the IB machine , this ran well but
>> gave the same error on a different SP. In the checked the SP. The params passed to the SP and used inside the SP are all correct non are bigger or smaller
>> than what they should be. Thus the error confuses me.
>> Is there any guidelines regarding this. Also how can I lookup or validate the Ib database that it will be able to go to FB ? Is there tools ?
>Given that IB7.5 and FB split at an earlier point in the chain, I would
>not expect a backup from one to restore in the other. But you should be
>able to take the DML from one and create an empty database in the other.
>At which point you will find the features that are going to cause
>problems. Once you have a working 'blank' then datapump should work
>fine. I understand that some of the admin tools will allow you to
>connect to both servers and do that, but I never moved beyond IB6 ;)
>Lester Caine - G8HFL
>L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
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