Subject Re: Change install directory on HP-UX 11.11
Author cedric_maucourt
I try to do this :
- install with the install scripts in /usr
- restart the inetd server with the line "gds_db..." in the file
/etc/inetd.conf in comments
- kill lock manager
- move the directory /usr/local/firebird to /soft/fbd152
- change the links to the different librairies :
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /soft/fbd152/lib/
- restart the inetd server with the new line :
"gds_db stream tcp nowait.30000 firebird
/soft/fbd152/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server # Firebird Database
Remote Server"

When I try to launch isql, the program exits directly without any
message and the lock manager doesn't appear in the process list.

--- In, "Paul Beach" <pabeach@...> wrote:
> > Is there a way to install Firebird in an other place than /usr ? And
> > without recompiling it ?
> All you need to do is change the install scripts and the links from
> /usr/lib. You shouldn't have to recompile it... AFAIR
> What problems are you seeing?
> Paul