Subject Re: Another "connection forcibly closed by the remote host" problem
Author Adam
--- In, "Scott Moon" <smoon63@...> wrote:
> > > --- In, "Adam" <s3057043@> wrote:
> > Perhaps you could write a SQL Script that looks like this (from the
> > problem workstation):
> >
> > select 1 from RDB$DATABASE;
> >
> > Then you can make a batch file that looks something like:
> >
> > "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin\isql.exe"
> > servername:alias -user sysdba -password masterke -i
> > c:\path\to\script.sql
> >
> > Run the batch file to confirm it works.
> >
> > Now add it to the windows scheduled tasks to run every 20 minutes >
> > and see if you can duplicate your problem.
> >
> > Adam
> OK - If it sounds to good to be true... I ran this test and got the
> same result. I'm now trying to pin down when the connection actually
> dies. I checked the first time at 80 minutes and it was gone. I'm
> stepping back to 60, then I'll back off 15 minutes until I find a live
> connection, then bump up in 5 minute increments until it breaks again.
> I also want to make sure that the disconnect point is consistent. It
> seems to me that if the connection is consistently broken at 60
> minutes (or some other point) that it almost certainly points to a
> configuration setting in either FB, Win2003, or VMWare. I tend to
> think that it is not VMWare after the successful test on the localhost.
> Scott

OK, getting somewhere. This heartbeat pulse to the Firebird server
does indeed prevent the disconnect.

My next step would be to see if FB is the culprit or a victim.

We need to repeat the experiment but as a pulse we use something that
has nothing to do with Firebird. For example, you might start the ftp
service on the server.

You can then write a ftp script

open [ftp server hostname]

Save this file as a txt file, for example c:\temp\ftptest.txt

You can now put the following into a batch file

ftp -s:c:\temp\ftptest.txt -n

When you run the batch file, it logs in and once connected quits. Once
you have tested the batch file works, try using that in the task
scheduler like the previous experiment.

If you have no problems, then clearly the connection break has nothing
to do with Firebird. Otherwise, we may need to look further.
