Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Does Firebird 2.0 support mixed case in field names?
Author Martijn Tonies
> > > Sure?? I use Ubuntu and Flamerobin to create DB and tables, I use
> Dialect 3
> > > , Characterset= None and if:
> > >
> > > CREATE "table1"
> > >
> > > the treeview shows:
> > >
> > > table1
> > >
> > > but when I try to use in a select statement (with
> Python+KinterbasDb) the query resultset is wrong, no Table name exist.....
> > >
> >
> >
> > If you create "table1" you will need to
> > select * from "table1";
> >
> > mind the double quotes;
> >
> > (never really understood why anyone could want to do sth. like that :-)
> I agree Frank, unless you are a sadist or something. I can't imagine a
> case where you would want an Employee table and a different table
> called employee.
> What I actually would like is the option to define a table as
> EmployeeContact, and connection components and database tools report
> the table exactly as declared, but if someone wants to do select *
> from EMPLoyeEConTACT, then let them.

That would be "case insensitive", but "case preserving". Yes, that would be
nice :-)

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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