Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird Restarting part 2
Author Vlad Horsun
> > How many databases active at this moment ?
> 2 active databases.
> 1 is very small.
> Contains 1 table with 38 records inside.
> During a day, this DB has some 200 reads and 50 writes.
> No insert or deletes.
> Second DB - Its around 8Gb in size.
> It has between 50 and 150 users connected.
> I think I earlier on said some 200+, but as I have been monitoring the
> last days its "only" 50 to 150 users.

Any chance that many of them run some queries with SORT in plan
simultaneously ?

> Does some of them have
> > fixed cache setting ?
> I don't know what this is.

Show us the output of gstat -h for each database, please
