Subject Re: Firebird restarting
Author Michael Vilhelmsen
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 07:51 PM 18/12/2006, Michael Vilhelmsen wrote:
> > > > Some 50 days ago we moved a client from one server to another.
> > > > The old server was a Win2000 with 2Gb of RAM, Single Core CPU.
> > > > Firebird is 1.5.0.
> > > > The Db is some 8 Gb.
> > > > On this old server it has been running for 3 years wihtou any
> > > > with some 100+ connections.
> > > >
> > > > Now on the new server it a Win2003 64Bit, 4 Gb of RAM, Dual
Core CPU
> > > > and FB 1.5.0.
> > > > The first 3 or 4 weeks i ran smoothly. But the last few weeks
I get
> > > > the following in the FB log file.
> > > >
> > > > DBSRV04 (Server) Sat Dec 16 17:17:13 2006
> > > > internal gds software consistency check (cannot start thread)
> > > >
> > > > (A LOT of these. Happens when a user wants to connect).
> It means the Firebird server has exhausted all of the memory it can
> use. Because fbserver.exe is a 32-bit application, it can address
> only a maximum of 2 Gb of RAM, regardless of how much is available on
> the system.
> > > >
> > > > Does anyone have anything that could solve or narrow down my
problem ?
> > > >
> Solve it by changing over to Classic.

This I can't do just now - I have some code I need to rewrite.
I sometimes do a list of the connected users, and in the CS model it
only returns me ...

> >We used the server internally for almost 2 months without experiencing
> >any problems.
> >We was not able to simulate 100+ users - But we ran some rather haedy
> >querys. No problem there.
> >
> >I have a theory that is has to do with to 2 Gb limit.
> Exactly.

Great to have a confimation.

> >The OS can adress a lot more, but AFAIK Fb can't - So far.
> No, because Superserver runs as a process that spawns threads for
> connections. Theoretically you can connect about 700 users but, in
> your usage case it's clearly a lot less. Your configuration might be
> using too much RAM for caching. What are the page size and buffers?

Page size is 4096.
Everything else is standard (as it is in the conf. after installing).

> >We are waiting to see the FB 2.0 64 bits on Windows to Intel .... I
> >think that will solve the problem.
> It should. But reducing the cache size might help in the short
> term.

Reducing the cache size - Its en entry in the conf. file, right ?

Moving to Classic is the best solution, though, since it will
> handle your 100 (or more) connections and make use of your extra RAM
> and the dual processors.
> >I was woundering - Is there a way to limit FB to use i.e. no more than
> >1.8 Gb of RAM ?
> No. But why would you want to do that, when your problem is
> happening because 2 Gb is not enough?

Hm - to have FB not requesting more memory when it can have anymore.
Then use whatever temp files it can.
If it makes it stable until FB2 64 is released - Well that might help us.
Anyway - this was a short posibillity me and my colleque talked about.
Maybe not the best - but anyway.

