Subject Firebird restarting
Author mivi71dk

I have some machines running some different versions of IB and
Firebird DB.

On at least 1 IB server (version 6.0) and 2 firebird (1 FB Release
Candidate 2 and 1 Firebird version 1) servers I periodically get
this error from the IB Logfile:

DATABASE-SRV (Server) Sat May 11 15:57:27 2002
INET/inet_error: read errno = 10054

DATABASE-SRV (Client) Sat May 11 15:51:31 2002
Guardian starting: C:\Program

After there have arrived NO ONE can do ANYTHING with the DB until I
do Backup - Restore from within IB Console.
Herefter it all runs perfectly well.

The System and Application log from the server itself, which by the
way is a NT 2000 server with all SP installed has these entries.

The description for Event ID ( 251 ) in Source ( InterBase
Guardian ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the
necessary registry information or message DLL files to display
messages from a remote computer. The following information is part
of the event: Server Started: Guardian starting: C:\Program

The description for Event ID ( 281 ) in Source ( InterBase
Guardian ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the
necessary registry information or message DLL files to display
messages from a remote computer. The following information is part
of the event: Abnormal Termination: C:\Program
Files\Interbase\bin\ibserver.exe: terminated
abnormally (-1).

Does ANYONE know ANYTHING about this ?

I have 2 customers where this happens periodically.

When it happens there is somewhere between 5 and 20 users attached.
It happens once in a weekend, where the and at the time there is no
speciel usage of any server (i.e. CPU usage around 30 - 60 %).

There has just recently been installed a Norton Antivirus Corp.
edition (version 7.x).
Could this infect the system in anyway ?
We have a NAV running here, and we NEVER experiences any problems.

I hope someone can help me out, since I don't have any thing I could
try out !

Feel free to reply directly to


Best regards
Michael Vilhelmsen