Subject Firebird 1.3 stops with lock error
Author Julie Paten
Our fbcs1.5.3.4870-0 stopped functioning due to the
following errors in the logs. Had a google around but found
nothing in english that may indicate what the errors may be.
Other than something about lock table version in interbase.
We are only running one version of the database on our
linux fedora core 4 server. Could this be object related.
We are transitioning to v2 objects.

Normally a very stable db. I did restart the server and
everything came up and has been functioning as normal.
Maybe a one off?

localhost.localdomain Fri Dec 15 20:05:42 2006
ISC_kill: process 3520 couldn't deliver signal 16 to
process 31134: permission denied

localhost.localdomain Fri Dec 15 20:05:42 2006
Fatal lock manager error: invalid lock id (384380),
errno: 2