Subject Firebird 2 Upgrade Connection Issues
Author David Savill

Hoping someone can help... we have been using Firebird 1.5 SS for a while and are now
looking to upgrade to Firebird 2.

I removed the original Firebird 1.5 installation and installed Firebird 2 Classic (because we
need SMP support) from the .tar.gz binary. All well thus far.

However, when I try to connect...
localhost:~ # /opt/firebird/bin/isql -user sysdba -pass passw0rd
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect localhost:employee.fdb;
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
-Failed to establish a connection.
-Connection refused

I am using SuSE 9.3.

I cant tell if this is a Firebird 2 issue, or a classic server issue. Having never used classic
before I cant tell :)

Any help appreciated!
