Subject Re: Corruption in Firebird Classic
Author Anderson Farias
"Ann W. Harrison" <aharrison@...> wrote:

> If anyone has a database that's been run in Firebird Classic 1.5.3
> and gets the error

Sorry for posting, I know my 'case' canĀ“t help at all, but I'd like to
mention it...

We've been using FB CS 1.5.3 over Windows 2003 (initially and for some
time on a single SCSI drive, some time now on a 4 SCSI/Raid 10
configuration) for more than 6 months without problems so far.

The database is still pretty small (about 1GB only) but has about 300
concurrent connections 12h a day inserting/updating/selecting.

Backups are made using gbak and scheduled to run 3 times a day.
