Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Failing to create Firebird DB file
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:13 AM 1/12/2006, you wrote:
>I agree that "YSTE" is unlikely the short for
>"SYSTEM"; I'm going to ask the customer where it comes
>from. Unfortunately, it looks like they think it comes
>from us, along with the holes in cheese.
>What directories does Firebird need to be present in
>order to work properly, assuming we do not change any
>settings and use defaults?

You seem to be talking about two different things in this thread,
part of which I have missed due to the fact that my ISP employs
gorillas to administer its mail servers.

1) What has to be present in order to run the Windows installer

2) What has to be present in order to run Firebird

I wasn't aware that the InnoDB installer needed a temp directory
defined but perhaps it's just assumed to be so. The default temp
dir[s] on my Windows setup (Win2K Pro SP4) are 4 in number, pointing
to 2 locations.
-- The user variables are TEMP and TMP, both pointing to
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
-- The system variables are TEMP and TMP, both pointing to C:\WINNT\TEMP

Firebird accesses the system variables FIREBIRD_TMP, TEMP and/or TMP
(whichever it finds first) for writing its sort files if you don't
explicitly configure the sort space in firebird.conf via the
parameter TempDirectories. (You have to set up FIREBIRD_TMP yourself
but it is optional...but either/both FIREBIRD_TMP and/or the
TempDirectories locations should be on your fastest disks...)

Now, whether the installer is also set up with the same access path I
don't know but you could check the installer script in CVS to find
out. In any event, it does look as though the installer isn't
finding any of them; or the user that is attempting to do the
install doesn't have access to them.

I have encountered installations where the network admin has blown
away the system TMP/TEMP variables as a strategy to prevent users'
Internet cookies and Trojans being stored at system level. You could
check that. You should also check whether they are present, but have
been set up to point to shares or SUBSTs or even to some null
device. Yes, there is such paranoia out there...
