Subject Re: Functions/UDF's/Reserved Words in FB & IB6
Author Adam
> Is there an udated list on what functions/reserved words are
> in FB?

Functions and reserved words are different things. FB 1.5 will happily
run the following

alter table [tablename] add now timestamp;

(But I would suggest that is probably a bad field name in any case)

It can be frustrating that they are not in a consolidated manual, but
they will be in one of the IB Docs or in the FB Release notes. I also
found the embedded guide contained stuff that was quite useful for non
embedded installs, it is more like a mini langref or something.

Also keep in mind the reserved words in FB 2, even though it is alpha,
chances are you will eventually upgrade, and a 5 minute check of the
release notes now could save you half a day of writing SQL scripts to
adjust tables later.
