Subject RE: [firebird-support] insert/update/delete - conversion error from string ??
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi,
> I´ve a problem to insert/update or delete data to/from only one specific
> table.
> Everytime I get the error:
> "conversion error from string "" "
> but the SQL-Querys are 100% correct. Heres a very simple one (insert
> into preise (artikelnr,preislst) values ('andi02','2') ). This one
> doesn't work. The same to update and delete. In every other table it is
> possible to change the data in it.
> The strange thing is, a copy of this db is running on another host (same
> FirebirdSS-, same OS Slackware 8.1 Kernel 2.4.26 ) and
> everything works fine in the specific table.
> It does not matter from which programm the SQL-Query is set. isql,
> ibwebadmin, ibexpert - everytime the same error. IBExpert show this
> additional info:
> "Overflow occured during datatype conversion
> conversion error from string "" "
> Another DB with the same structure but different data is running on the
> same host and everything is fine when the SQL-Query from above is set.
> I reinstalled the Firebird-Server. Shutting down etc. nothing was
> successful.
> What/where could be the problem?
> Need more info?
> Thanks for help.
> Greets Andi

I would question whether the DBs are in fact identical. You may have created a field on this table with quoted identifiers and have a duplicate table or field without quoted identifiers.
Have you used IExpert to do a database comparison?