Subject Help with errors in DataPump exporting DBF's???
Author mbarnhizer
Hello, and thank you for your time,

I am trying to Export data from an old DOS program, which uses the
old .DBF sytle database files into Employee.fdb to help me learn how
to use Datapump. Please help me with defining the steps I should be

1. I create an Alias using the STANDARD setting. "My Alias"
b. Default driver: DBASE
c. Enable BCD:FALSE
d. Path:c:\my path to my .DBF (Properties show file as "dBASE
e. Select Option: I have tried every option DataPump offers.
(select*from"A TABLE") with"Quote field Names" checked (ON), I
believe this option is the correct one for DBASE type files, but I
tried them all.
2. Startup DatapumpBDB
a. Source Database Properties:BDE Source
b. Source Database:"My Alias"
d. I have checked and unchecked every PUMP Property option on
and off

3. Now I set the Destination DB to Employee.fdb
b. I select Step 2
c. Get Definitions and receive an error

"Can not continue – Loop found! Tables in loop.
Ref Constraints:INTEG_47,INTEG_36 and a few others.

The error also says "To resolve loop you need to alter or temporary
delete one of this ref constraints".

I have tried to alter the tables using the IBExpert Persoanl, but was
not able to compile my changes. Does the Persoanl edition offer this
function? Am I on the right track? Is there a better tool for this

Can someone recommend the steps for me to take to pull the names from
my DBF into Employee.fdb?
I appreciate any help and advice you can offer……..thank you for your
