Subject Linux DB connectivity.
Author stewartbourke
I have two PCs, each running an intraweb web application,
talking to a Firebird (1.5) database. I am using the upscene
Firebird dbExpress driver. If the Firebird server is on a
Windows machine, there is no problem for both pcs to talk to
the database. However, when I move the FB database server to
a Linux machine, and try have both PCs connect to it, only the
first PC gets access to the database - the other cannot

I can connect from both PCs using something like IB_SQL.

I am running FB1.5.2, classic, and I have tried this on both a Red Hat
9 and SuSe 9 install.

My dev. environment is Delphi 6, Ent, Intraweb components, and I am
also using the Arcana connection pooling components.

Any help would be appreciated.