Subject does the IBphoenix ODBC driver work?
Author cecil1_5
I have installed Firebird on Windows 2000; I can run isql
either from the programs link or from the command line and access my

I want to use a web app to access (in readonly mode) the same
database. I understand how to set up a user granted selects only.

I downloaded and installed Firebird_ODBC_1.2.0.69 using the exe.

The ODBC example that was provided using the employee database does
not work -- but it does not provide error messages, either, it just

I set up TestLocal to point to \\<server>\c:\program
files\firebird\firebird_1_5\examples\employee.fdb and when I press
Test connection it informs me: Connection Successful. (does the same
for my database)

Since I believe in error messages, when I run my test asp page, I get
back a message at the connection point: 'cannot attach to password

I changed my connection string to look like the example -- took out
the Provider clause -- but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

The only comment I got before this was a suggestion that I use
another driver -- is that the right answer?

Ann Cecil