Subject Re: [firebird-support] Compiling & Installing Firebird 1.5 from source on Mandrake 9.x
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:15 PM 27/01/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>don t know if this was here before but the installation sheet on the
>Firebird download page says, version 1.5 of FB can be installed on
>Mandrake 9.x distris.

"Install" means "install the binary kits". Both 1.5.x Superserver and
Classic install flawlessly on Mdk 9.1. (It's my distro of choice!!)

>I tried now half a dozen installations with the same amount of
>versions and only 1.0.x binaries installed on mandrake 9.1, no 1.5
>(source and binary)at all.

Re the 1.5 binary - are you using the RPM installer or the tarball?

>Binaries missed stdc++6- libraries,got "undefined references " errors in
>several sources and wrong sizes of pointers and diff. parser errors as well...
>What prerequisites are def. needed to get FB 1.5x compiled and
>installed on mandrae 9.x?
>Is c++ v6 def. needed?
>Mandrake 9.1
>gcc 3.2.2
>bison and bayacc 19
>what else to mention?
>P.s. have to add, i am no developer, just normal user with some exp.
>with "configure, make and editing conf-files" ;-)

There is a makefile available. If you really want to compile the sources
yourself, ask on Firebird-devel - someone there will put you straight about
which libs you need to compile and what might be missing to cause a
specific exception in the build process.

Check the notes about Linux compatibility in the main 1.5 release
notes. If you are getting a message during the binary install about the
stdc++ lib, then probably all you need is to get an updated glibc
development package, to ensure that you have a recent enough runtime.

My Mdk 9.1 was a complete installation from a CD distribution (not an
upgrade) about year ago. I didn't have to upgrade anything for that
particular distro for the v.1.5 RPM kit (although, later, I did have to
install some compatibility packs for Borland Kylix 3). I can't give you
the actual numbers right now because that server is currently dead.
