Subject Re: unavailable database
Author sgharp
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> At 09:05 PM 21/01/2005 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >I had FB v working on my system (XP Pro) very well. I
> >uninstall this version and tried to upgrade to v and
> >started getting "unavailble database" error messages from all my
> >applications and from IBExpert. I tried everything I could think of
> >and no luck, so I uninstalled 4731 and reinstalled 4481. Now, I'm
> >still getting the same "unavailable database" error message. Could
> >someone please tell me what I've screwed up?
> Assuming you have the server running....
> Did you save your aliases.conf and firebird.conf and recopy them
into your
> new installation? (Possibly you previously configured RootDirectory
> DatabaseAccess...)
> Did you perhaps install Classic where previously you installed
> Superserver? You won't be able to do a "path-only" connect to
Classic -
> you need the TCP/IP server in the string.
The server is definitely running. I've never installed Superserver,
only Classic. I did not preserve my conf files before uninstalling
the old and installing the new (didn't know I was supposed too). I'll
pull those off my last backup tape.

BTW, what do you mean by "path-only". Can you give me an example?
I'm using FB locally.

I'll let you know if the conf stuff fixes it. Thanks very much for
your help.
