Subject Re: firebird DB url
Author kartinku
Dear ,
I think you are asking to use host name along with the db file. But I
am using that

So I again put forth my issue with the urls I used ,

I started firebird SS server in windows as an application.
Then I accessed the DB via realtive URL
like below jdbc url ,


Now when I try to connect to same db file with absolute url (given below)


when previous connection is active. It throws error that
I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file

I think when same db is accessed by absolute or relative url fbserver
should able to identify the db as same and it should give the connection.

BTW in isql when I give relative url for DB connect it converts it to
abosulte url and tries to get DB connection. If there are any
connection active in absolute url isql connection fails.

In my case I bundle firebird DB along with my application. When user
starts my application I start firebird server along with it and access
the DB via relative URL. So when I try to access the same DB from ISQL
it throws error due to URL issue I have given above ,


--- In, "kartinku" <kartinku@y...> wrote:
> Dear Team ,
> I started firebird SS server in windows as an application.
> Then I accessed the DB via realtive URL
> like below
> ../db/mydb.fdb
> Now when I try to connect to same db file with absolute url when
> previous connection is active. It throws error that
> I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file
> "c:/firebird/db/mydb.fdb"
> I think when same db is accessed by absolute or relative url it should
> give the connection.
> BTW in isql when I give relative url for DB connect it converts it to
> abosulte url and tries to get DB connection. If there are any
> connection active in absolute url isql connection fails.
> S.Karthick