Subject Re: [firebird-support] firebird DB url
Author Martijn Tonies

> I started firebird SS server in windows as an application.
> Then I accessed the DB via realtive URL
> like below
> ../db/mydb.fdb
> Now when I try to connect to same db file with absolute url when
> previous connection is active. It throws error that
> I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file
> "c:/firebird/db/mydb.fdb"

You are using the "direct" "protocol" here. It's best not to use it
unless you're using a single connection only.

For multiple connections, always use a "network protocol" - eg:

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions