Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: firebird DB url
Author Uwe Grauer
kartinku wrote:

> Dear ,
> I think you are asking to use host name along with the db file. But I
> am using that
> So I again put forth my issue with the urls I used ,
> I started firebird SS server in windows as an application.
> Then I accessed the DB via realtive URL
> like below jdbc url ,
> "jdbc:firebirdsql:karthicks/3050:../db/mydb.fdb"
> Now when I try to connect to same db file with absolute url (given below)
> "jdbc:firebirdsql:karthicks/3050:c:/firebird/db/mydb.fdb"
> when previous connection is active. It throws error that
> I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file
> I think when same db is accessed by absolute or relative url fbserver
> should able to identify the db as same and it should give the connection.
> BTW in isql when I give relative url for DB connect it converts it to
> abosulte url and tries to get DB connection. If there are any
> connection active in absolute url isql connection fails.
> In my case I bundle firebird DB along with my application. When user
> starts my application I start firebird server along with it and access
> the DB via relative URL. So when I try to access the same DB from ISQL
> it throws error due to URL issue I have given above ,
> S.Karthick
> --- In, "kartinku" <kartinku@y...> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Team ,
> >
> > I started firebird SS server in windows as an application.
> > Then I accessed the DB via realtive URL
> > like below
> >
> > ../db/mydb.fdb
> >
> > Now when I try to connect to same db file with absolute url when
> > previous connection is active. It throws error that
> >
> > I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file
> > "c:/firebird/db/mydb.fdb"
> >
> > I think when same db is accessed by absolute or relative url it should
> > give the connection.
> >
> > BTW in isql when I give relative url for DB connect it converts it to
> > abosulte url and tries to get DB connection. If there are any
> > connection active in absolute url isql connection fails.
> >
> > S.Karthick

I think it's not allowed to use different Paths to a DB-File.
Make use of aliases if you can't stop your users to provide one absolute
