Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird vs. MS SQL Server
Author Aage Johansen
Chris Meelhuysen wrote:
> Is there any documentation available that compares Firebird to MS SQL
> Server. I have numberous potential clients that do not wish to move
> from MS SQL because they already know of it. And I cannot provide them
> anything other than old InterBase documents that compare that version of
> InterBase with the then current version of MS SQL Server.
> If there are not some available, who (in the know) could create such
> documents? I do not possess enough knowledge of database systems to
> create something that would compel someone to move toward Firebird and
> be satisfied that it was stable, secure, etc.
> Can someone point me the right direction and/or at what I should do?

As you say, the existing documents are too old.
However, wasn't there a post in a thread on this group some time ago that
did argue the case for Firebird quite well?
(Don't remember when, don't remember who, don't remember thread name).

Aage J.