Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird vs. MS SQL Server
Author Jaimy Azle
On Saturday, January 8, 2005, 4:01:26 AM, Aage Johansen wrote:

> As you say, the existing documents are too old.
> However, wasn't there a post in a thread on this group some time ago that
> did argue the case for Firebird quite well?
> (Don't remember when, don't remember who, don't remember thread name).

AFAIK the oldest one is written by Steve Troxell using IB4.0 in
comparison with SQLServer v6.x, The newest was written as a whitepaper
by Bill Todd using IB7.x.

Of course not all IB features available in FB, and vise versa. but
generally i think it is quie acceptable for FB.


-Jaimy Azle
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