Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird vs. MS SQL Server
Author Lester Caine
Chris Meelhuysen wrote:

> Is there any documentation available that compares Firebird to MS SQL
> Server. I have numberous potential clients that do not wish to move
> from MS SQL because they already know of it. And I cannot provide them
> anything other than old InterBase documents that compare that version of
> InterBase with the then current version of MS SQL Server.
> If there are not some available, who (in the know) could create such
> documents? I do not possess enough knowledge of database systems to
> create something that would compel someone to move toward Firebird and
> be satisfied that it was stable, secure, etc.

I've built up a few notes when dealing with customers, but I don't get
much need to use them. The usual situation is that the 'users' will be
new clients not currently on the system, so we say we are quite happy to
work with MSSQL, THEN how much will the new client licences cost them.
We then ask what they get for that money. After that the discussion is
on integration rather than switching ;)

I still have to talk to MSSQL, Oracle and other systems, but the core
work happens in Firebird, and we are slowly moving bits and pieces from
the 'old' systems onto the new framework.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services