Subject Re: [firebird-support] Running IB and FB
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:09 PM 4/01/2005 -0600, you wrote:

>From: "Nando Dessena" <nando@...>
> >
> > W> Is that all that should be necessary or am I missing some other
> > W> things? That just seems to simple to me so I am "assuming" that I
> > W> don't have the full picture here. :)
> >
> > It's simpler than that. I wouldn't bother registering funny service
> > names like fbs_db and just use:
> >
> > path/to/database firebird embedded connection
> > localhost/3050:path/to/database interbase TCP/IP connection
> > localhost/3051:path/to/database firebird TCP/IP connection
> >
> > No need to tamper with the services file. Those days are over.
>Thanks for your explanations Nando. Always a pleasure. :)
>However, IBConsole still wants to use FB instead of IB. I use IBConsole for
>my IB databases so I have to figure out how to get it to use one over the

Have you tried putting a copy of IB's gds32.dll into the directory where
IBConsole is located?
