Subject problem while executing query
Author prasanna_ids
I am working on a project in dotnet. and I am using firebird
database and fbdotnetprovider1.6. I am facing a problem when
inserting or updating the email value. What happens is the '@'
symbol with the domain name is getting replaced with a ? mark. i.e
the id prasanna@... is replaced with prasanna?.com. Don't know
where the problem is. Moreover this problem is occuring when I
execute a procedure with the input parameters as a concatenated
string and while not passing the parameter values individually.
eg: Execute procedure
Procedure_name 'prasanna','kumar','prasanna@...'... if i am
executing like this then the email value is getting replaced.

if i am using the parameter collection object then this problem is
not occuring .

Can anyone tell me why this problem is occuring and where the
problem is ?
