Subject gfix and read-only databases (REPOST)
Author Thad Humphries
Am I missing something when I create a read-only database?

Must client applications that connect to a read-only database not use any
commnad that may attempt to modify the database?

I have a Firebird client, written using ESQL. We are looking into archiving
databases to CD-ROM and were hoping we could access the archived database
through the same client. However, when I set the database to read-only with
gfix, the application can no longer attach to it.

I have also tried to access this database with Firbird's isql but get a -551
(no_priv) error:

$ isql ro_db.gdb
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -551

no permission for read-write access to database /u2/optix-data/ro_db.gdb
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database

Is there something I'm missing in creating a read-only database? Do I have to
remove all database INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE's from my client
before I can access a read-only database?
Thad Humphries " religious test shall ever be required
Web Development Manager as a qualification to any office or public
Phone: 540/675-3015, x225 trust under the United States." -Article VI