Subject Re: RES: [firebird-support] please recomend a good component
Author Aage Johansen
David Johnson wrote:

>> On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 02:26, Martijn Tonies wrote: Hi David,

>>>... While I recommend dbExpress for DB2, quite frankly
>>>it sucks for Interbase/firebird work.
>> You cannot say that "dbExpress sucks" - what driver(s) did you try?
>> Do note that our driver trial version has a maximum number of commands
>> and/or transaction to be executed.
> I only tried the Borland drivers shipped with Delphi 6 Enterprise
> Edition. I have used Borland's DB2 drivers successfully, but was unable
> to complete the first part of my basic functionality test with Borland's
> Interbase driver. I did not test any third party Interbase/Firebird
> drivers. It is more correct to say that the architecture is neat, but
> Borland's implementation of the architecture for Interbase was lacking.

Did the Borland dbExpress 'suck' for Interbase, or just for Firebird?
It would be interesting if there were any built-in differences ...

Aage J.