Subject Re: [firebird-support] Change Database Owner
Author samuel umoette
have you make the directory /database readable by the overall firebird user?

On Wednesday 21 July 2004 19:03, sgmota wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to change the database owner to avoid the need to grant
> permission for every new table created on that database to the app user.
> The database was created with sysdba (that wasn't created by me, the
> developer just send the fdb file to me and I use it on my system).
> I've created the user fulano with gsec, after that made a backup using
> gbak (with sysdba yet) and finally tried to recover the backup (with
> gbak) using the fulano user.
> But I got the message:
> gbak: opened file /database/netset.fdb.bck
> gbak: transportable backup -- data in XDR format
> gbak: backup file is compressed
> gbak: ERROR: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your
> database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
> gbak: ERROR: failed to create database /database/netset.fdb
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> What's the diference from creating the user with gsec and "set up a
> Firebird login" ?!?
> thanks
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