Subject Change Database Owner
Author sgmota

I'm trying to change the database owner to avoid the need to grant
permission for every new table created on that database to the app user.

The database was created with sysdba (that wasn't created by me, the
developer just send the fdb file to me and I use it on my system).

I've created the user fulano with gsec, after that made a backup using
gbak (with sysdba yet) and finally tried to recover the backup (with
gbak) using the fulano user.

But I got the message:
gbak: opened file /database/netset.fdb.bck
gbak: transportable backup -- data in XDR format
gbak: backup file is compressed
gbak: ERROR: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your
database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
gbak: ERROR: failed to create database /database/netset.fdb
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

What's the diference from creating the user with gsec and "set up a
Firebird login" ?!?
