Subject 'random' generator value output?
Author rbd523
I have a generator attached to a primary key field on a certain
table via a BEFORE INSERT trigger. I can get sequential values from
this generator fine, but I was wondering if there was any way (using
generators or not) to get 'random' values from the generator that,
while 'random', won't conflict with any of the primary key ID values
already in the table. ....basically it amounts to generating a
random, unrepeated sequence for my primary key (or any other unique
field for that matter).

This would be useful to me because users of the system will be
assigned a table that cooresponds to that unique ID, and there is a
bit more security in giving them a random 5 digit ID
(like '35464', '97483' for the next ID, etc) instead of a sequential
ones like '10001', '10002'... I would like the level of security
that nonsequential IDs bring, but we don't need enough security to
warrant the entering of a seperate PIN.

Is anything like this possible? If not, I might have to go that ID,
PIN route instead.

