Subject gds32 & msvcp60 DLLs
Author ronen_yuval
I'm using Firebird 1.5, with IBX. The IBX uses gds32.dll, which in
turn uses msvcp60.dll. The gds32 DLL is installed in the system
directory, while msvcp60.dll is installed in "C:\Program
Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin". This directory is not added to the
PATH, so when my application starts, I get the famous "Can't find
DLL" message box about msvcp60.dll. This dll is not found because
it's neither in my application home directory, not in any directory
specified in the path.

My question is:
Should I add "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin" to the path
in my application's installation? This should solve the problem, but
I'm not sure this is the right way. Maybe the Firebird installation
should add it to the path, or maybe put this dll in the system
directory together with the gds32.dll which uses it (which means this
is a bug report for the Firebird developers)?
Any ideas?
