Subject Insert BLOB to table problem
Author bensonwyl
I have a remark table, which contains a BLOB field remarkcontent in
IS0_8859_1 charset.
I make use a stored proc. to copy an existing remark record to a new
record, the remark content contains some Chinese chars:
insert into ml_remark2
from ml_remark2
where remarkid=:iremarkid;
=> for IB6 and FB1.5: Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has

insert into ml_remark2
select :newremarkid,description,contentwidth,remarkcontent
from ml_remark2
where remarkid=:iremarkid;
=> for FB1.5, IB6: no error
=> BUT IB6: Error "BLOB not found" will occur after some unknown

1. in IB6, how to solve this problem?
2. in Fb1.5, is it ok for using method (A)?

Benson Wong
Linktech Computer System Co.