Subject Re: [firebird-support] Insert BLOB to table problem
Author Aage Johansen
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:46:02 +0000 (UTC), bensonwyl wrote:

> (A)
> insert into ml_remark2
> (remarkid,description,contentwidth,remarkcontent)
> select
> :newremarkid,description,contentwidth,f_strBlob(f_blobAsPchar
> (remarkcontent)
> )
> from ml_remark2
> where remarkid=:iremarkid;
> => for IB6 and FB1.5: Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has
> occured,...
> (B)
> insert into ml_remark2
> (remarkid,description,contentwidth,remarkcontent)
> select :newremarkid,description,contentwidth,remarkcontent
> from ml_remark2
> where remarkid=:iremarkid;
> => for FB1.5, IB6: no error
> => BUT IB6: Error "BLOB not found" will occur after some unknown period
> Question:
> 1. in IB6, how to solve this problem?
> 2. in Fb1.5, is it ok for using method (A)?

I don't think this:
> select :newremarkid, ...
is a good idea. Will it work if this parameter is a constant? It will
definitely fail if you expect it to accept a field _name_ as a paramter.

Aage J.