Subject Upgrading a database
Author Anand
I have a peculiar problem. We have revamped the database
structure being used in our application, and the new design has
to be created in the GDB file used by our app. The code for
creating tables and views and SPs is all ready to be executed,
in fact it does work alright. My problem is I don't want the
old tables to continue in the new database. The code should
create the new structure, run a few SPs which will copy data
from all the old tables into the new tables, and the old tables
should be dropped.

However when doing that, because of the various dependencies the
tables may not be dropped. What's the way out? Is there any
order to be followed while dropping the database objects, say
start with the SPs first, then go for views and then for tables?

Is there any other way of doing this, maybe create a separate
database with the new structure and import data from the old
database into the new one, so I can simply delete the old GDB
file? How would that be possible in an SP?


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