Subject internal gds software consistency check (cannot find record back version (291))
Author csipm91
Hello, colleagues.
I'm using Firebird 1.0.3.
I have two remote databases on two machines.
With two instances of Firebird 1.0.3 Server.
The two machines are a part of a vpn.
There is replication between them.
OS of the first machine is win2k and the second is with win98.
The replicator is installed ot win2k. Every fifteen minutes it starts
and transfers data between the two databases. Meanwhile local clients
on both machines are active(opened transactions).
The schema is:

win2k win98
Firebird 1.0.3 Server Firebird 1.0.3 Server
__________ __________
| DB1 | | DB2 |
| ^ | | |
| | | | |
| \/ | vpn | |
|Replicator|<------------------------>| |
| | | |
|__________| |__________|

The database on win98 began to get crashed in 2 month ago with.
It happens every week :-(((
BAZA (Server) Mon Mar 29 15:34:44 2004
internal gds software consistency check (cannot find record back
version (291))
error message
I investigated, read in the internet. Nothing found.
When Replicator connects to the win98, db crashes.
There is a client application dealing with the data at the moment.
I try to stop and start the client application. When it tries to
connect to the database, an "File used by another process..." error
occurs. IBConsole->Server->Properties tells that there are no
attacments to the server. But the file is opened????
FileMon says that no one touches the file???
It's veri misterious.
Anyone can help?
I'll be very thankful. My hair is up from two months.