Subject RE: [firebird-support] FB1.5 - Installation Drives
Author Alan McDonald
> Professional. The database (Ace.fdb) is located on the server on
> S:/Ace.fdb This drive is mapped to path

this is no good - S:\ is the mapping of a share named "pulbrook air"
can't be done

you need, for TCP remote connection

where x is a system drive i.e. C: D: typically but it needs to be a physical
drive of the server not a logical one (which is what mapping is about).

> //pa-hq-svr-rdc/pulbrook air/sales ace/ace fdb. As explained
> previously, the application uses IBX component to attach to the
> database. The database name passed to the component is obtained
> from a registry entry that is placed in the registry from the
> application setup. In this application connection setup dialog
> the user can select either Local or Remote and the path
> (including .fdb) in which the database resides. If Remote, then
> choice of connection type (default TCP/IP) and server name. The
> database connection path is formatted into a string, dependant on
> the user input, and stored in the registry. For example, if user
> selects local and enters path to database then database name
> passed to IBX component would simply be the path entered; if
> remote and TCP/IP are selected then the database name would be
> 'server name:path'. On the client machine if I setup the
> connection as local and path = S:\Ace fdb I appear to get a

no good see above

> connection although if I try to add new users (can be done from
> the application when logged in as SYSDBA) I get an unable to
> access services message. Also when I try to login from another
> client machine the FB server seems to hang. Once the network
> server is rebooted I can simply duplicate the above. If the setup
> is remote, TCP/IP, server name = pa-hq-svr-rdc, path =
> d:\pulbrook air\sales ace\ace.fdb so the database name passed to
> the IBX component is 'pa-hq-svr-rdc:d:\pulbrook air\sales
> ace\ace.fdb' then I cannot get a connection.

this is what it needs to be and you can't use local connection for this
setup since there is NO local database for clients to use, the ace.fdb file
is a remote file and only accessible by the server on a path as seen from
the server.

If you want to use the embedded server to make a local connection, then it
needs to be truly local (although I think there is a way to trick the setup)
and while it is being usd as a local connection via the embedded setup, you
will only be able to make one connection. It won't be multi user.

Any help would be
> appreciated. thanks in advance Bill
