Subject Re: [firebird-support] firebird 1.5 + darwin/osx
Author John Bellardo

On Mar 22, 2004, at 10:40 PM, Julien TOUCHE wrote:

> John Bellardo wrote:
>>> - install as non-root seems not possible:
>> As the installer stands right now, this is correct. It places files
>> in /Library/Frameworks and hence needs write permission there. It
>> also creates the firebird user and appropriate (for CS vs. SS)
>> startup configuration.
> what is the difference between SS and CS ?

> else for now, there is no aqua app for firebird ?

I have a couple, but they are not publicly available.

> so for example, i
> could want put firebird lib in /opt/local/lib (/opt/local is
> darwinports
> prefix and i would prefer avoid install outside)

So long as DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH is updated there shouldn't be any
problems. You could also install symlinks to make the Framework & more
traditional style unix linking both work.

> [...]
>> Making a non .pkg installer is rather trivial using the existing
>> scripts. All it would have to do is:
>> 0. call pre-install/pre-upgrade script with correct parameters 1.
> src/install/arch-specific/darwin/preinstall-script ?
> src/install/arch-specific/darwin/install-script ?

Yes, and you need to create the resources directory with the expected
items (see src/install/arch-specific/darwin/

>> untar/unpax files to destination 2. untar resources directory to a
>> temporary folder 3. call post-install/port-upgrade script with
>> correct parameters
> which files ?
> is there a way to select freebsd/linux arch for creation of install
> script ?

