Subject Re: Database model tool (UML)
Author aleskahanek
You may use IBUTILS
It is FREEWARE, simple utility and easy to use. Not very complex, but
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--- In, Martin <moirae@c...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope this thread won't be OT and anyone could advise me.
> For larger project we will need to create UML diagrams including
> model diagrams (however, we use FireBird as database server) and I'm
> looking for any useful UML tool, which will be capable of importing
> actual database structure (including metadata and descriptions) and
> synchronize on changes (changes will be probably made in db first).
> 1) Does anyone use such a tool with FireBird and can advise or
> 2) does exist any (mature) database modeling tool in which I can
> import database structure from FireBird database and export it in
> Thanks
> --
> Martin (mailto:moirae@c...)