Subject Re: gbak failed while creating indexes
Author Alexander V.Nevsky
--- In, "rcrfb" <rcr@m...> wrote:
> Hi Members,
> I created a backup of a successfully running database.
> When restoring the database using the command
> gbak -c -v -user sysdba -password <secret> test.bck new_test.gdb
> all seems to be OK until the indexes will be build (at the end of
> the restore). At that moment the gbak exits with
> ....
> creating indexes
> cannot commit index RDB$PRIMARY47
> ERROR sort error: not enough memory
> ERROR action cancelled by trigger (2) to preserve data integrity
> ERROR Cannot deactivate index used by an Integrity Constraint
> Exiting before completion due Error

Insufficient space on drive where TMP directory is placed.

> Has anyone an idea how to restore whole database from that backup?

Usually - provide more space on mentioned drive. If you have really
HUGE indexed tables and tmp-file exceedes OS limit, look at
TempDirectories parameter in firebird.conf to provide multiple TMP

Best regards,