Subject Re: [firebird-support] RE: At my wits end
Author Daniel Rail

At March 15, 2004, 13:18, Epstein, Ed wrote:

> The c++ programmers are not going directly to the API. They are using IBX
> components to acheive that speed.

If they are using the TIBSQL component to execute their INSERT
statements, then it would be practically the same as accessing the API

> I received some test programs written to
> make calls directly to the API. I contracted that out on
> That did not turn out to have any performance increase at all.

Is it possible to view the code? If you want, you could send it to me
privately, but please send the code in text format since I don't have
VB. Also, which ADO/OLE DB driver did you use before? Have you tried
others? i.e. ZStyle Group OLE DB Firebrid driver
( ).

> It still
> might be the server, since the 6K-7K did not occur on any of my servers. It
> occured on theirs. However, theirs is running on systems with less
> performance than mine. I have the fastest system in the whole building
> getting the slowest results. Thats why I am inclined to beleive that its
> me. I am redoing the OS on that system and installing Firebird 1.5RC5 as
> suggested and am going to pull all the tests over again.

Why RC5 and not the official version?

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (