Subject FB 1.5 final hangs with this exists statement
Author james_027
I have this statement that gives me the largest amount of sales for
the customer with id 205. The result is correct.

select "Cust ID", "Deliver Date", "Grand Total"
from "DR" m
where m."Cust ID" = 205 and not exists (select *
from "DR" d
where d."Cust ID" = 205 and m."Grand Total" < d."Grand Total")

However if I want the reverse, the smallest amount of sales for this
customer 205 my fB didnt stop running even for such a long time, and
it hangs I think.

select "Cust ID", "Deliver Date", "Grand Total"
from "DR" m
where m."Cust ID" = 205 and not exists (select *
from "DR" d
where d."Cust ID" = 205 and m."Grand Total" > d."Grand Total")

is there something wrong with this script? or is there a right way of
doing this?

