Subject fb1.5 and multiple languages
Author Peter Lee
Hello Everybody,

We are using Delphi 6, dbExpress and FB 1.5. Our application needs to be
able to support multiple languages (English, German, Chinese, Hungarian etc).

We've followed some of the previous posts regarding use of multiple
languages, and are little confused. Is it possible to have one database
file that can support English, German Chinese? Before we started with FB,
we used Paradox tables, and had our 'multilanguage' tables as 'ascii (ANSI)'.

Our English, Chinese and Hungarian all worked fine with this, and all
characters displayed correctly, as long as the user has the correct windows
language version (and character sets loaded). Is this type of behavior
possible with firebird?

We have cut and pasted some of our strings into our database, using
IBExpert, and they seem to come in and out ok... things such as
Elõjegyzések (Hungarian) and µ÷ºÅ (Chinese).


Peter Lee

Peter Lee Mobile: +61 412 011 174 ptle@...
Rising Software Australia Pty. Ltd.
Publishers of 'Auralia' - Ear Training and 'Musition' - Theory Training
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