Subject Auto-increment and generators
Author h_urlaf
Hi all,

Coming from Access and MySQL (yeah yeah, boo hiss), I'm used to
defining columns as auto increment to automatically generate unique
primary keys. I know the answer in Firebird is 'use generators', but
generators don't seem to handle the following case:

create table TEST ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL, DATA INTEGER, primary

create generator g1;

set term ^;
create trigger TBTEST for TEST active before insert as
if (new.ID is null) then new.ID = gen_id(g1, 1);
end ^
set term ;^

insert into TEST (ID) VALUES (1);
insert into TEST (DATA) VALUES (1);

The second insert yielded "violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY", which
is pretty much what I had anticipated. Have people find ways to deal
with this reliably? Should the app doing the insert or the trigger
loop with a NOT EXISTS?
