Subject Dialect problem??
Author sllimr7139
Where do I find information about what characters valid for what

I'm asking because I've run into the situation where, it appears, the
dollar sign character is not being allowed into a varchar field. I'm
trying to convert a blob column to a varchar(32000) column.

I get the error message:

ICS ERROR CODE:335544321

arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
Cannot transliterate character between character sets

If I remove the $ characters then I can manually insert the data with
no problem. Is this even a dialect problem?

Here is the data I'm trying to insert: (with out the []'s)

[We billed out Imperial Oil for some labor, OT, and contract labor.
The total that aims added it up to was $4669.75 incl. GST When in fact
the total was supposed to come to $4113.35 I want to do a credit for
that invoice, but I am not sure how I am to do that when the credit
amount won't add up to the invoice amount, unless I change the
amount/hr. that the labor is billed out at? Please advise.]

Any help would be appreciated.