Subject Re: [firebird-support] Connection to server takes 2 minutes
Author Daniel Rail

At September 3, 2003, 09:49, vs_zero wrote:
> The connection string I used was something like :


> We have found that changing this connection string to

> SERVER1:H:\Databases\data.fdb

> resolved the problem: the connection is now very fast. Does Firebird
> try to resolve the IP addresse as if it was a NetBios name ?

First, it's not looking for a NetBios name.

> I'm confused, does anyone have an explanation for this rather
> unexpected result?

But, the problem that you noticed is not new for FB 1.0 and Interbase.
Probably what is happening, is that it is trying to perform a DNS
lookup, to find the IP address corresponding to the server name(even
if an IP address is entered as the server name). This might have been
fixed in the FB 1.5 client DLL, because I'm not noticing much
difference by using either the IP address or the server name. And, if
you have an internal DNS server running, you could probably check to
see how it is configured, because it is supposed to detect properly if
the address is an IP address and not try to resolve it.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (